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Reflection and renovation: The first Provincial Congress of Marist Education in Central America

The First Provincial Congress of Marist Education, held at the Liceo Salvadoreño on 23 and 24 August, marked a milestone in the journey towards innovation and educational excellence in the Marist Province of Central America. With the participation of educators and administrators from Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Puerto Rico, the… Read More »Reflection and renovation: The first Provincial Congress of Marist Education in Central America

Once upon a time… Colegio San José de Pergamino, Buenos Aires (Argentina)

100 years of making Jesus known and loved The centenary history of “San José” School began when, in 1924, a group of Marist Brothers from the Spanish province of León founded a Primary School in the city.  The first school was established at 526 Dorrego Street and taught only boys from… Read More »Once upon a time… Colegio San José de Pergamino, Buenos Aires (Argentina)

Marist centenary celebration at the Liceo Salvadoreño school (El Salvador): A century of history and commitment

On a morning full of joy and devotion, the Eucharist was celebrated on the occasion of 100 years of Marist presence in the Liceo Salvadoreño (El Salvador). This moving ceremony brought together all the graduating classes of the different Marist educational centres of El Salvador, including the… Read More »Marist centenary celebration at the Liceo Salvadoreño school (El Salvador): A century of history and commitment

Marist students from Chile in Durban (South Africa): feeling the Marist stamp everywhere

On July 8th, the adventure of a group of 10 Marist students aged 16 and 17 began. They study in the Marist schools of Rancagua and Villa Alemana and are accompanied by an English teacher, Mrs. Caroline Wittenberg. The trip was long and tiring, but it was worth it,… Read More »Marist students from Chile in Durban (South Africa): feeling the Marist stamp everywhere

Our beautiful and very enriching experience: the Global Run of the school Hidalgo Cocula (Mexico)

Greetings to all the Marist Brothers and all the Marists of Champagnat from Colegio Hidalgo de Cocula (Mexico). I am happy to tell you about the experience we have had regarding the invitation to participate in the Champagnat Global Run. It was my turn to participate in… Read More »Our beautiful and very enriching experience: the Global Run of the school Hidalgo Cocula (Mexico)

Conservation, protection and restoration of the environment: a call from Cameroon

Plastic bags have become popular for packaging the products we consume at home. They are light, handy, attractive and resistant.  Both manufacturers and consumers find them easy to store and preserve. But they are a major threat to our environment. For example, they are not biodegradable and… Read More »Conservation, protection and restoration of the environment: a call from Cameroon

This was the opening of MAKER SPACE & EDMI at the Instituto Queretano (Mexico)

Last May, the new MAKER SPACE was inaugurated in the secondary section of the Instituto Queretano (Mexico).  This is a space where students can develop their knowledge to the maximum in a creative way by working on different STHEAM projects (science, technology, humanities, engineering, art, maths), where they will… Read More »This was the opening of MAKER SPACE & EDMI at the Instituto Queretano (Mexico)

The Fiori…AMO project: a flower to bloom in the primary school of Giugliano (Italy)

The primary school of Giugliano College (Italy) has carried out an innovative initiative based on one of the most everyday things that exist: flowers. The project aims to educate about emotions, inclusion, diversity, respect and awareness of individual differences through art. The idea is that each student is… Read More »The Fiori…AMO project: a flower to bloom in the primary school of Giugliano (Italy)