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Online meeting of new personnel of the Marist works of Ecuador (Norandina) with Champagnat Global

On September 30, in the framework of the Life and Mission formation meeting, organized by the mission council and the education team of Ecuador in the city of Loja, to receive the new personnel of the Marist works of Quito, Santo Domingo, Quevedo, Loja, Catacocha and Macará, the executive secretary of Champagnat Global, Javier Llamas, had the opportunity to participate via online and share with the 39 teachers and support staff the possibilities offered to them by the link to the Marist Global Network of Schools.

The participants of the meeting had the opportunity to learn about the itinerary that has been followed to form the network, since the idea arose at the XXII General Chapter in 2017, when we were invited to walk together as a global family, to the experience that is currently being lived of being able to meet, interact globally and promote activities of common interest.

The meeting was also very conducive to learn how to participate in the various activities proposed by Champagnat Global and especially the first edition of Champagnat Global Week, very soon to be held, with a very diverse program that can attract the different interests of those who make up the global school community.

From Champagnat Global, we thank the education coordinator Nelson Zambrano, Brother Julián Olmo and the whole mission council and the education team of Ecuador for the impulse in their works towards international Marist communion. And to all the participants we wish a successful incorporation and development in Marist life.

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