The official launch of the 2nd edition of ‘In the Footsteps of Marcellin Champagnat: Marist Educational Mission’ took place on April 14th at the end of MIMA III (El Escorial, Madrid). The event was attended by the Superior General, Ernesto Sánchez; the Vicar General, Luis Carlos Gutiérrez and the General Councillors, Ken McDonald and Ben Consigli.
To explain the origins of this document we must go back to 1998. This first edition established the basis of the Marist educational style based on the principles and values of the Institution.
This 2nd edition is an update of what has been the cradle of educators in different parts of the Marist world for the past 25 years. In this way, it is intended to include the changes that have taken place in the world, as well as in the Church and in our Institute. It is also a call to form and feel ourselves as one big global family at the service of children and young people.
As this new edition reflects, the term ‘Marist’ encompasses the shared work of brothers, lay men and women in the mission of educating children and young people:
“In the footsteps of Marcellin Champagnat, Marists in mission, in the Church and in the world, present among children and young people, especially those least favoured, we are sowers of the Good News with a distinctive Marist style in our educational ministries”.
The document, divided into six chapters, is illustrated by Mauricio Negro (São Paulo, Brazil). According to the author, on the cover he wanted to ‘scrutinise what appearances sometimes hide’ through the portrait of Marcellin. ‘Despite a certain verisimilitude, I ask you to consider him more for his spirit, expressiveness, look and subjectivity. I associate his person with the work,‘ he said in the interpretation of the illustrations published by FMS.
Download the PDF document: ‘In the Footsteps of Marcellin Champagnat: Marist Educational Mission’.