The experience of the first face-to-face meeting of Champagnat Gloal in Mexico 2022 was very enriching in terms of planning the future of the network of schools, but above all it generated bonds and a commitment to the project that is difficult to achieve without personal interaction. For various reasons, none of the members of the mission commission from the African region were able to participate in this meeting. The Nairobi meeting of the commission on 20-24 November 2023 was a good opportunity to replicate the same spirit experienced in Mexico.
The assembly of the Africa Mission Commission is made up of Brothers Michel Mami (Madagascar), Isaac Kwame (West Africa), Michel Longena (Central East Africa), Paul Angulu (Nigeria) and Francis Jumbe (Southern Africa), with the presence of the Secretariat of Education and Evangelisation represented by Brother José Sánchez Bravo.

In the space dedicated to Champagnat Global, within the programmed agenda, an opportunity was taken to take a look at the itinerary of the network, to analyse the strengths, the opportunities and the aspirations that this global space offers us and to get to know the different ways of getting involved in the opportunities that the platform offers us.
The meeting was also an opportunity to maintain personal contacts between each of the Mission coordinators and the executive secretariat of Champagnat Global and to make progress in the practical aspects of joining the network.

One of the most enriching aspects of this meeting was undoubtedly the conviviality, listening to each other, getting to know and understand the realities of each province and feeling united around a global project which, on the basis of personal closeness, greatly facilitates the development of the synergy necessary to promote shared strategies and initiatives.
From Champagnat Global, we are grateful for the willingness and commitment of the mission commission of Africa to walk together as a global family.