During the months of June, July and September, the advisory committee of Champagnat Global has held online meetings with the aim of advising and validating the proposed roadmap of the network, established for the period 2023-25, sharing opinions and suggestions on the initiatives and activities planned for this year, especially Champagnat Global Week, and analysing the proposal for the next face-to-face meeting of Champagnat Global to take place in March 2025.
Having an advisory team of recognised professionals representative of the whole Marist world gives us the confidence of being able to count on an accompaniment in which the proposals and planning of Champagnat Global have the consideration of those who know the Marist reality very well.
The next meeting is scheduled for January 2024 and will focus especially on the evaluation of the activities of the year 2023 and on the progress of the planning of the face-to-face meeting of Champagnat Global 2025.
We at Champagnat Global are very grateful to: Eduardo Preciado (Arco Norte), June Alisson (South America), Patxi García (Europe), Mark Omede (Africa), Manuel de León (Asia), Frank Malloy (Oceania) for their willingness and generous support in driving the network forward.