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Register for the event

25 – 29 October 2021

During the week of October 25 to 29, there will be two important events worldwide to promote the launch of the Marist Global Network of Schools.

VIDEO EPISODES (Live network launch event)

The Marist school community is made up of nearly 600 schools in about 80 countries, 72,000 teachers and 600,000 students and their families, across 5 continents.

One way to publicize the initiative of the Marist Global Network of Schools is through the presentation of    video collections that summon us as a Marist Family to revive the dream of Marcellin Champagnat and recreate it today through the Marist Global Network of Schools.

The video episodes last 30 minutes and will be broadcast to the international Marist school community, on the days below:

  • Monday, October 25  (3:00 p.m. Rome time -> GMT+2)
  • Wednesday, October 27 (3:00 p.m. Rome time -> GMT+2)
  • Friday, October 29 (6:00 a.m. Rome time -> GMT+2)


The Marist Global Network of Schools is a project that has been co-created collaboratively with the participation of many of the members of the international Marist school community. Meetings have been held in which we have had the opportunity to dream on the kind of Network that is longed for, and countless ideas have been shared on what this shared dream should be. As a result of collaborative participation, a series of proposals have emerged that have been classified within a cluster of areas of opportunity.

The summit will be the time to bring home the desires and begin to define the actions that can continue to become a reality, through collective work of the interest groups.