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Project-Based Learning: students are the protagonists at San José del Parque School (Spain)

For years now, lecture classes in which students were limited to listening to the teacher and then studying, memorising and repeating in the exam have been replaced by active methodologies where the protagonist is the student, such as project-based learning (PBL). Thanks to this project-based methodology,… Read More »Project-Based Learning: students are the protagonists at San José del Parque School (Spain)

The Fiori…AMO project: a flower to bloom in the primary school of Giugliano (Italy)

The primary school of Giugliano College (Italy) has carried out an innovative initiative based on one of the most everyday things that exist: flowers. The project aims to educate about emotions, inclusion, diversity, respect and awareness of individual differences through art. The idea is that each student is… Read More »The Fiori…AMO project: a flower to bloom in the primary school of Giugliano (Italy)

This is the “Getting to know a Marist Brother” project that has taken Sacred Heart Valencia (Spain)

As part of the Values subject, the sixth grade students of Sagrado Corazón School (Valencia, Spain) have undertaken an exciting project entitled “Getting to know a Marist Brother”. The main objective of this project is to encourage the students’ interest and curiosity about the life and work of… Read More »This is the “Getting to know a Marist Brother” project that has taken Sacred Heart Valencia (Spain)

La Serena (Chile) – Barcelona (Spain): promoting participation

As part of the Red de Participación Juvenil project, high school students from the Colegio Marista de Las Compañías, in La Serena (Chile), have established contact with young Marists from the Escuela Anna Ravell, in Barcelona (Spain). The aim is to collaboratively produce a series of podcasts on topics that… Read More »La Serena (Chile) – Barcelona (Spain): promoting participation