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Students from Maristas Zaragoza (Spain) take part in innovative STEM project

Our school was selected this year to participate in a pilot initiative in the Community of Aragon that seeks to promote STEM vocations.

The 4th ESO students of El Pilar Maristas School (Zaragoza, Spain) took part in the initiative entitled Proyecto STEM Factory: Think, Create and Innovate!

The project, in collaboration with the Government of Aragon and the ICT cluster Tecnara, offers students the opportunity to experiment with tools from their educational environment and awaken their interest in technological careers. In this sense, in the first part, the students developed by teams an idea that aimed to advance in the management of emerging technologies and their application (GPT Challenge), combining them to achieve a creative and collaborative work from the consensual search of the idea to the presentation of the results with an orientation to real work environments, promoting practical learning of artificial intelligence (AI, GPT, basic concepts of prompting, Gamma exploration, etc.)

In the second part, there was a public presentation of the ideas in front of a jury made up of members of the organising entities in the CESTE Assembly Hall, in which the aim was for the students to develop communication skills in a real context. The winning team in our school, after the jury’s decision, and which will go on to share their ideas in competition with other schools in the community in the next phase, was made up of Cristina Dolz, Celia García, Alba Mérida, Adriana Soto, Irene Hijazo and Shengle Ye with a project entitled Tu guía de apoyo para familias con seres queridos con necesidades especiales (Your support guide for families with loved ones with special needs). Participation in this programme has been an excellent opportunity for the students to connect with the cutting edge of technology and be inspired by current trends.

Luis Carlos Portolés Rodríguez – Maristas Zaragoza Communication Team Coordinator

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