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In memory of Brother Luis Carlos Gutiérrez and his commitment to Champagnat Global

(25-03-1967 / 04-01-2025)

As one of the councillors liaising with the Secretariat of Education and Evangelisation, Brother Luis Carlos Gutiérrez Blanco was one of the promoters of the Marist Global Network of Schools: Champagnat Global. He always showed a special interest in promoting the call of the XXII General Chapter to ‘Walk together as a global family’ in the Marist school environment. A wise and visionary man, he was convinced that the future of the Marist mission had to be co-created collaboratively, working as a network.

From the Secretariat of Education and Evangelisation and Champagnat Global, we feel deeply grateful for the support we have received during these years of service as a member of the general government. His availability and dedication were always unconditional, and his guidance and unceasing support can be felt in the works and processes that bear his mark.

Those of us who had the opportunity to share responsibilities in the leadership of the Mission at the level of the general government with Luis Carlos felt inspired by a leader with vision, a passionate leader, and a committed leader. Luis Carlos was, above all, a testimony.

Luis Carlos’s mark on many of the mission projects that have been carried out in recent years in the Institute is well known and his spirit remains, encouraging us in our commitment to continue consolidating the vision of the XXII General Chapter, to walk together as a global family.

Luis Carlos, like so many brothers who have significantly preceded us, will forever be BROTHER IN JESUS.

From Champagnat Global, we honour his memory with some of his speeches with which he always inspired us with courage and enthusiasm when it came to building the Marist Global Network of Schools.

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