Mexico 2022 will undoubtedly be another milestone in the launch of our Marist Global School Network and that is why we are preparing for this moment with great hope. Some of the participants share with us their expectations:
Leann Jester D. Rosali, MSc
Senior High School Principal – Notre Dame of Marbel University – Integrated Basic Education Department (Philippines)
“Stronger together! Mexico, 2022 is an occasion to celebrate the unity of our identity as Marists and to foster a climate of diversity by measuring our differences and leveraging them to create value. I hope this gathering will lead to the ideation and realisation of concrete collaborative projects and programmes that facilitate the exchange of knowledge and resources between Marist schools.”
Br. Francis Jumbe
Marist Brothers Administration – Malawi
“I look forward to the global gathering with great optimism; a place to meet new friends, to strengthen the multicultural environment and the sense of belonging to Champagnat Global. I hope that my participation in this global platform will broaden my horizon, foster a genuine exchange of best practices and help me to deepen my understanding and living of Marcellin’s dream in the context of children and young people of the 21st century, within my own geographical and cultural environment. It is my hope that Champagnat Global will stand the test of time and be regarded as one of the best initiatives of our time, motivated by the best interests of children”.
Joan Pratdepadua Bufill
Director – Champagnat School of Badalona (Spain)
“Delighted and grateful for the invitation to participate in the Champagnat Global face-to-face gathering in Mexico. I sincerely believe that it is a great opportunity to personally meet Marists from other parts of the world who want to promote real networking between schools and social works. From this first contact, I am convinced that many new initiatives will be born that will link students, teachers, and professionals of Marist centres in different countries, reinforcing the feeling of a Marist network.”
June Alisson Westarb Cruz
CEO Integrated Network of Basic Education – UMBRASIL (Brazil)
“The feeling of participating in this first gathering of the Global Network is phenomenal, the Marists of Brazil are ready to interact, to get to know new forms of mission and management, and we are all enthusiastic and with open arms to this practical and living experience of being a global family.”
Mark Elliott
Regional Director – Queensland, Northern Territory and Northern New South Wales Marist Schools Australia
“My hopes for the gathering centres on three things: connection, conversation, and creation. I hope to connect with Marists from around the world and listen deeply to their ideas and issues. I also hope to have time for conversation with others engaged in the educational ministry of Marists of Champagnat. Finally, I hope that we can create some concrete proposals and plans on how we can bring a global perspective to our work and ministries.”
Alicia Segura
Coordinator of the School Education Centre Management Team – Marist Province Cruz del Sur
“I have high expectations for this gathering. I hope to meet and share experiences on the best practices of the Marist school mission. To meet to learn, to reflect and to co-create innovative proposals. I am sure that I will be able to live this experience in a climate of friendship, fraternity, and mutual enrichment, so characteristic of our Marist heritage. Throughout the process, I trust that the Lord, Saint Marcellin, and our Good Mother will guide us to continue to strengthen our networks of exchange and collaboration, always seeking the best for the children, adolescents, young people, and adults who are at the heart of our Mission.”