The language exchanges never stop! The need to internationalise is becoming clearer every day. Not only to learn different languages and be able to communicate, but also because of the many personal and interpersonal benefits that this brings. It helps us to keep adapting, to be open-minded and open-hearted.
The values of openness and inclusion are part of the Marist spirit. This is being put into practice at Anna Ravell Marist School in Barcelona, Sacred Heart College in Johannesburg and Moyle Park College in Dublin. Their students have been able to put their language skills into practice while sharing their experiences, lifestyles and part of their culture.
From Champagnat Global we encourage you to join the Marist network of schools and to participate in our Internationalisation group in AGORÁ. Here you will be able to learn about many other exchanges, as well as get in touch with other schools to make new connections.