During the meeting of the communication team of the Marist Region of Europe (MRE) in Madrid on 4th and 5th May, Javier Llamas, Project Manager and Ángela Mediero, communication manager of Champagnat Global, had the opportunity to strengthen ties with the team and share the main activities that will be developed in the network in the coming months: the Global Compact Webinar that will take place in June and the Champagnat Global Week next October.
One of the objectives of Champagnat Global is to be able to amplify local school information at a global level, but it is equally important that the wealth generated by the collaboration of all reaches each of our works. Communication is becoming increasingly important as a means of supporting the dynamic that we have undertaken to walk together as a Global Family.
We thank Brigitte (Province of West Central Europe), Anabel (Province of Ibérica), Mar (Province of Compostela), Victor (Province of Mediterránea), Inma (Province of L’hermitage) and Eva and Br Teodorino (MRE) for their collaborative spirit.