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Champagnat Global Week 2024: Where are the young people – A youth analysis

Last day of Champagnat Global Week 2024

The last day of Champagnat Global Week 2024 was dedicated to the Youth Ministry Network. Br Niño Pizarro, Director of the Secretariat for Education and Evangelisation welcomed all participants and explained that the MYM focuses on ‘creating inclusive spaces for children and young people to connect, collaborate and grow; and, promoting spiritual development and empowering young people to pursue meaningful life projects’.

Br. Miguel Fernandes began by thanking the participants for their attendance and reflecting on the Gospel of Emmaus. ‘We have to walk with young people and understand the reality that they live’, explained Br Miguel.

Laura Ferraz then gave some data, such as the fact that 15% of the world’s population is between 15 and 24 years old , according to UN data. She also explained three different types of mourning experienced by young people at this stage:

  • Mourning for the loss of the child’s body
  • Mourning the loss of childhood identity
  • Mourning the loss of childhood

‘During adolescence there are some aspects that can be highlighted,’ Laura said, “such as the group tendency, the beginning to question religiosity, separation from parents or a social attitude of vindictiveness, among others”.

Br Miguel then explained a study carried out by UNICEF called ‘Childhood in Transformation’. Some of the results of this project were in terms of mental health: ‘36% of young people say they often feel worried, anxious or nervous, 19% feel depressed or uninterested in things’. On the other hand, in terms of social networks, according to Br Miguel: ‘77% of young people go online every day, with doctors and health professionals being the profiles that young people trust the most’. Furthermore, ‘86% of young people believe that they can change measures against climate change and 73% of them believe that their governments should change the measures being carried out in this area’.

There is more data,’ Laura said, ’such as religiosity, which has been declining over the years in some countries. However, they identify with spiritual practices, but not with religious institutions. Regarding the life project, some of the points that affect young people personally are violence, corruption, drugs, alcohol and education: ‘In terms of education, they point out the challenge of reconciling work and studies, as well as the lack of employment guarantees in line with the level of education achieved’, explained Laura.

For his part, Brother Miguel explained how to follow up young people through the Disciples of Emmaus:

  • Walking together
  • Listen
  • Provoke
  • Share
  • Motivate for the proclamation

Finally, they explained the origins and formation of the Marist Youth Ministry Network whose purpose is ‘to be at the service of the evangelisation of children, adolescents and young people, especially the poorest, by animating the programmes, activities and strategies of Marist Youth Ministry among the regions of the Institute.

The session concluded with a greeting from Brother Luis Carlos Gutiérrez, Vicar General, closing the Champagnat Global Week 2024 with a word of thanks and a review of all that the different networks that participated in the sessions of this week have contributed.

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