Brother José Sánchez, Director of the Secretariat of Education and Evangelisation, together with the presence of Brother Vicar Luis Carlos Gutiérrez, organised the first meeting of Champagnat Global on 27th April with the advisory committee that will support the work of the network.
One of the aspirations that emerged from the Mexico 2022 meeting for the Champagnat Global 2023-25 roadmap was that the network should have an organisational and animation structure. Taking steps in this direction, the Superior General and his Council have decided:
- The creation of an executive secretariat for Champagnat Global, a service that will be provided by the current project manager, Javier Llamas.
- The incorporation of a communications manager, Ms. Ángela Mediero.
- The appointment of an advisory committee to asses on the development of the network.
The advisory committee is composed of Marists who, through their leadership, can make a valuable contribution to the advice and momentum of the network during the period 2023-2025.
The main functions of the committee will be:
- Advise on the strategy and planning of Champagnat Global.
- Evaluate the process, projects and management implemented at Champagnat Global.
- Foster creative leadership in Champagnat Global.
- Promote Champagnat Global in their areas of influence.
From Champagnat Global we are very grateful to: Eduardo Preciado (Arco Norte), June Alisson (South America), Patxi García (Europe), Mark Omede (Africa), Manuel de León (Asia), Frank Malloy (Oceania) for their willingness and generous support in driving the network forward.