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A great beginning and it is marvelous to see

  • Launch

Monday, 25th of October 2021 witnessed the beginning of the great event in the history of the Marist Institute (the first day of the launch of Marist Global Network of Schools).

It is wonderful to see more than four hundred (400) Marist of Champagnat from all the continents of the world and from more than 48 countries taking part in the summit that marked the start of the 600 plus Marist schools around the world coming together to work as one family.

The word of welcome from Brother Carlos Alberto Rojas, the Director of the Secretariat for Education and Evangelization opened the events, and this was followed by the opening address from Superior General, Brother Ernesto Sanchez.

This project, under the leadership of the Secretariat for Education and Evangelization from the beginning sought the Design Thinking and the Appreciative Inquiry methodology. The lead facilitators and the co-facilitators were handy to lead all the sessions. The brightness on the faces and Marist family spirit was felt online as if all were physically present in one conference room of the General House in Rome. This is an indication that the whole sessions for the week that will end of the 29th of October 2021 will give birth to something that will have great impact on the institute and the final beneficiaries, the children, and young people.

Be reminded also, that the work sessions which will dwell on the areas of opportunities divided into themes and topics is awaiting your contribution through participation in the group or groups that your registered to be a part of.

Thanks to the expertise of the technical team, a great collaboration from the Brothers Today secretariat and the communication office. There is an assurance that all the sessions will be enjoyed by the participants using the new normal of works and interaction online.

As announced through series of letters and online social media, many activities are lined up for the week and it is expected that the participation of all Marist of Champagnat will give a resounding welcome to the birth of this Network of school through cocreation.

 What an informative and an eye-opening session, watching the live and interactive video episode on the first day. What of you? Were you not surprised at the richness there is in our Institute? There are more surprises coming on daily basis as we move on throughout the week. You could be the great historian that will recount this event to the generations to come hence, the invitation to dedicate more time to learn and know more about the Marist ministries that form the basis for the network this week.

Remember that the video episodes live broadcasts will take place as indicated on the links to social media platforms. Click and interact live with the Marist world. The Marist Global Network of Schools is for you and for the good of all Marists.

Don’t be left out in all the activities. Champagnat Global: A Place Where We All Belong.

Photos in FaceBook