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208th anniversary of the founding of the Institute: the whisper of La Valla

On a day like today in 1817, Marcellin Champagnat called his first disciples together and invited them to live as a family of brothers at La Valla. Then, Champagnat founded a religious Institute under the name of Little Brothers of Mary.

‘When he saw the bell tower of La Valla from afar, he knelt down to ask God’s forgiveness for his faults… and he entrusted to Jesus and Mary those who were to become his parishioners…’.

In the middle of the mountains is located a place with a very special charm called La Valla. Not only because of Notre Dame des Victoires, the little Marist school there, but also because right next door is the origin of our beloved Institution: Maison Champagnat.

The modern contrast of the house with the facade of the school is more than evident. The renovation of the maison reflects its significance. As the architects who worked on its restoration explained: ‘If L’Hermitage speaks of Champagnat, La Valla whispers’.

It seems incredible that once you enter there, you are stepping on the origins of what today is a great Institution. However, a large and low table confirms that it was indeed there, yes, right there, where some of the most important decisions of the Little Brothers of Mary were taken, where the joys and sorrows were shared; the dreams and also the frustrations of the first Brothers.

Then you remember the words of Brother Laurent (Jean Claude Audrás): ‘In the beginning we were very poor. Our bread was the colour of the earth, but we always had what we needed. Our good Superior, like the most loving of fathers, took great care of us’.

You go down to the lower part of the house and come to a small, cold room where you find a humble oratory. Laurent’s account continues: ‘He often spoke to us of the care that Divine Providence has for those who trust in it, and in particular for us (…) He had such a great devotion to the Blessed Virgin that he inspired it in everyone’.

The visit is not over yet, the upper floor of the house ‘responds to the mission, apostolate and openness to the world’, as explained by the architects who worked on its restoration. Through a thin, high window you contemplate a green landscape that seems to have no end. It is then that you reflect… In the soil of this place was planted the seed of an Institution that today is present in 80 countries. Within its walls lived the founders of what today is a total of 2,700 Marist Brothers who share their mission with almost 80,000 lay people and care for 650,000 children and young people throughout the world. Then you smile and nod as you listen to the murmur of the song… that story we all love is not a memory, it is now a reality.

For generations the brothers and lay people have been giving their best with a single objective: to educate children and young people in a Christian way. Today we celebrate another year since the foundation of the Institute. 208 years of Marist mission and of education in Mary’s way. We will continue to add anniversaries and in the meantime… La Valla will continue to whisper to us.

Communication Department Champagnat Global

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